Every Square Inch

Computational Modeling for the Flourishing of the Whole Creation

Olá! My name is Eric Araújo, and currently, I hold the following positions:

  • Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department at UFLA (Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil);
  • Head of the Behavioural Informatics Laboratory (BILbo);

Research Work

My main work is with cognitive modelling of social contagion phenomena. In other words, I explore the ways people influence each other about their opinions, behaviour and perceptions using agent-based and temporal-causal models.

My contributions are mainly in cognitive computing, modelling and simulation areas. Therefore, the work I develop is multidisciplinary, using computer science tools to solve problems in areas such as public security, the spread of fake news, promoting healthier lifestyles, etc.

My PhD Thesis Contagious: Modeling the spread of behaviours, perceptions and emotions in social networks is available for download.


You can find more about me on my LinkTree.